Yep ... we (Krystal + family) are moving. I am still in denial and questions like: How am I going to be able to be so far from my parents, sister and nieces? How will I handle a new city? Make new friends? Where will Annemarie go to school? Will I be happy there? You get the idea.
When did this possibility start? It all started about two months ago when Javi (my husband) received a phone call about a big opportunity. The only BIG problem (for me) was that we would have to move to Orlando, FL. Nonetheless, I have never wanted to turn down an opportunity right away so Javi and I decided to entertain the idea and see truly what this new opportunity was all about. It was what was promised and much more. They have been understanding and willing to work with Javi since I am expecting.
So what's the plan? I will stay in Miami until Avery is born and Annemarie has finished her school year. In the meantime Javi will come down every weekend and will work from home for a period of time during and after Avery's due date. Sounds crazy? It totally is but it is the plan we feel most comfortable with and what may work for us may not for another family.
What's the hardest part? (I hope I don't cry too much writing this part) If you have been following us since the beginning you know that I lost my sister three months after Javi and I started dating. Why do I mention this? Ever since I was little my little pod, as I like to call them, has been extremely close. We grow up with my sister who was extremely disabled and I truly feel that made us that much closer. We knew and valued each other and the fact that life can be so fragile. When the topic of going away to college came up when I was younger, that never appealed to me. I wanted to stay home and take advantage of the time I had with her - she passed away my last semester of college. Fast forward to present day and although thank God everyone is healthy, I think of my huge support system and how I have always been so close to them. My dad the fixer, my mom the all wise and my sister my best friend.
How am I managing the big change? Simple - my faith. Whenever there has been a big change in my life my faith has always carried me through, along with looking at things in perspective. I will only be 3.5 hours away by car and 45 minutes away by plane. I am blessed enough that because my family is so amazing, I know they will visit, just like I will come down often (probably once a month). This is a huge opportunity for my family and instead of dwelling on the not so good, I am really trying to focus on the positive.
What will my new adventure bring? Although faced with new challenges, I know that Javi and I will be forced to depend solely on each other, hoping that will bring us closer as a couple. We will be able to see Javi's family more often since they will be closer. And of course the fun stuff will be that I can bring new content from a new city to our amazing followers. I want to be transparent through this big change and I hope to stick around to watch the ups and downs. I apologize in advance if you watch our Instagram stories one day and I'm crying or venting. Blogging for me has become extremely therapeutic and I really hope you enjoy following us along.
Honestly and truthfully.

Dear Krystal and Javi. I can relate on how hard it is to move away from your family. I experienced that with Maddy and Ricky. However, when I see how happy they are and how they have made so many new friends in Atlanta I thank God everyday. You and Javi will succeed along with your beautiful girls. You must continue praying as we will also pray for both of you. "Quien a Dios tiene nada le falta, Solo Dios basta". Best of Luck - Love you/blessings, Elsa